International journal of Computing & Decision Sciences 2022-06-15T00:00:00+00:00 International Journal of Computing & Decision Sciences (IJCDS) Open Journal Systems <p><sup><strong>International journal of computing &amp; decision sciences (IJCDS)</strong> is an <strong>open access,</strong> <strong>peer-reviewed</strong> international journal. IJCDS releases quarterly ( Four issues in a year) issues. The Journal dedicated to publish high quality research articles in the fields of computing and decision sciences. </sup></p> <p><sup><strong>Aim &amp; Scope</strong></sup></p> <ul> <li><sup>Approximate reasoning</sup></li> <li><sup>Artificial intelligence</sup></li> <li><sup>Combinatorial optimization</sup></li> <li><sup>Computational complexity theory</sup></li> <li><sup>Databases and data warehouses</sup></li> <li><sup>Intelligent decision support</sup></li> <li><sup>Knowledge engineering</sup></li> <li><sup>Machine learning and data mining</sup></li> <li><sup>Metaheuristics</sup></li> <li><sup>Multiple criteria decision analysis</sup></li> <li><sup>Networking and distributed systems</sup></li> <li><sup>Parallel computing and concurrency</sup></li> <li><sup>Production and project scheduling</sup></li> <li><sup>Scheduling theory</sup></li> <li><sup>Soft and granular computing</sup></li> <li><sup>Software engineering</sup></li> </ul> <p><sup>The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. IJCDS dedicated to publish scope based high quality research &amp; review articles in the field of computing &amp; decision sciences. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editorial review committee.</sup></p> <p><sup>Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies.</sup></p> <p><sup>The published papers are made highly visible to the scientific community through a wide indexing policy adopted by this online international journal. Hence, they can freely be accessed and utilized by everyone for the development of science and technology.Being a part of an eco-friendly community, favors and promotes e-publication of papers to truly present itself as an online journal. </sup></p> Analyzing the impact of Physical Characteristics of AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs 2022-03-04T17:41:42+00:00 Dr.P.M.Manohar <p>MANET is one of the notable key areas beyond 4G communication. Routing is one of the challenging issues in MANETs. Routing protocols are classified into proactive, reactive, and hybrid. Reactive routing protocols are chosen in this paper, as they display less control overhead than others. In the reactive routing protocols, AODV is chosen to analyze and compare the different physical characteristics which deliver optimum performance, namely DSSS, FHSS, InfraRed, OFDM, Extended PHY using OPNET 14.5 Modeler. The results show that FHSS outperforms others in terms of Throughput, Delay, Load, Route Discovery Time, Total Dropped Packets, and Routing traffic of AODV routing protocol.</p> 2022-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 EVENING PRIMROSE OIL AND DANAZOL EFFICACY IN MASTALGIA – AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY WITH RESPECT TO THE BREAST PAIN CHART 2022-03-04T17:44:44+00:00 Dr. Chandranath Banerjee <p>Mastalgia is the most common symptom seen in women who had breast imaging, and 70% of<br>women have breast discomfort at least once in their lives. Mastalgia is characterised as a<br>feeling of stiffness, discomfort, or pain in one or both breasts. Aims: Observation of<br>response of treating mastalgia with Evening Primrose Oil (1000 mg BD) and Danazol<br>(50 mg BD) Methods: The study was conducted in the department of General surgery at<br>Burdwan Medical College &amp; Hospital (BMCH). The registers of the Surgery Outdoor<br>Patient Department were crosschecked and the list of all females presenting with<br>mastalgia treated with Danazol and Evening Primrose Oil in dosage mentioned for this<br>study, in the period between October 2019 to March 2021 was made . A total 100<br>women were selected an initial clinical assessment and breast imaging and had maintained a<br>proper breast pain chart. Results: The most common age group in cyclical mastalgia was<br>18-25 years involving 81.9% patients while in non-cyclical mastalgia the most common age<br>group was 26-35 years involving 42.9% patients. 24.7 years and 30.3 years was the mean age<br>for cyclical and noncyclical mastalgia. In our study overall mastalgia showed better useful<br>response with Danazol (59.2%) than with EPO (41.2%) and this difference was statistically<br>significant (Fisher’s exact test 2-tailed p value 0.05). Cyclical mastalgia showed better<br>observed response with Danazol (69.4%) than EPO (47.2%), this difference coming out to be<br>statistically significant, Fisher’s exact test 2-tailed p value 0.02. Non-cyclical mastalgia<br>showed slightly better observed response with Danazol (30.8%) than EPO (26.7%), this<br>difference coming out to be statistically insignificant, Fisher’s exact test 2-tailed p value<br>0.40. Conclusion: Danazol (Danocrine) offered good pain control in mastalgia than Evening<br>Primrose Oil (EPO). Danazol appears to be a better pain reliever in cyclical mastalgia<br>compared to non-cyclical mastalgia.</p> 2022-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022